

AI AI Oh! Oh!

I have tried to apply AI in my organizing business. After all, you must innovate or dissipate/evaporate/stagnate. If AI is going to take my job, then I want to be part of the problem, not part of the solution. Luddites unite. This is an historic epoch where blue-collar workers can commiserate with their white-collar colleagues on the verge of losing their collars.

AI Knowledge Worker

AI is, after all, a knowledge worker. Once perfected, AI could theoretically displace any knowledge worker across a vast spectrum of specialties. That “once perfected” bit is the catch. AI is still plagued by flaws that require human oversight. Remember the attorneys who submitted case law that turned out to be AI fever dreams?

Just like a recalcitrant frat boy turning in a last-minute term paper, the AI made up its footnotes and invented case law. AI hallucinates, it daydreams, it lies, and it seeks the truth that it hopes to find, rather than the grim reality that actually exists.

Collective Stupidity

Should this surprise any of us? The AI is trained on massive troves of humanities’ collective wisdom and stupidity interred from the internet. Would you let your five-year old loose on the internet for their formative years and expect a serious adult to emerge? AI may be a misnomer, Artificially Stupid may be more apt. Large language model should be Large plagiarism model.

Still and all, where can AI, with all its flaws, help my organizing business grow? I asked the AI and it suggested keyword generation. Naturally “professional organizer near me” came up. But I knew that. Shoudn’t something artificially intelligent be smarter than me? AI could also help me write ad headlines based on these keywords. It might write marketing copy for my website.

AI Marketing Guru

Here’s the Microsoft AI’s first attempt at a paragraph for my website.

“Are you feeling overwhelmed by the clutter and chaos in your home or office? Do you want to create a space that is functional, comfortable, and reflects your personality? If you answered yes, then you need a professional organizer. A professional organizer is someone who helps you sort, declutter, and organize your belongings according to your needs and preferences. A professional organizer can also help you with time management, productivity, and lifestyle improvement. Whether you need help with your closet, garage, kitchen, or any other area of your home or office, a professional organizer can make it happen. At MM Organizing, we have a team of certified and experienced professional organizers who can help you achieve your organizing goals. We offer a free consultation, customized solutions, and affordable rates. Contact us today and let us help you transform your space and mindset.”

Then I asked the AI to improve its own paragraph and it came back with something a smidgen better.

“Do you struggle with finding things in your home or office? Are you tired of living in a messy and stressful environment? If you answered yes, then you need a professional organizer. A professional organizer is someone who helps you sort, declutter, and organize your belongings according to your needs and preferences. A professional organizer can also help you with time management, productivity, and lifestyle improvement. Whether you need help with your closet, garage, kitchen, or any other area of your home or office, a professional organizer can make it happen. At MM Organizing, we have a team of certified and experienced professional organizers who can help you create a space that is beautiful, cozy, and reflects your unique style. We offer a free consultation, customized solutions, and affordable rates. Book a free consultation today and let us show you how we can help you achieve your organizing dreams.” 

I took that paragraph and fed it into Google’s AI.

“Tired of a cluttered home? Let a professional organizer help you find things more easily, live in a more organized and stress-free environment, improve your time management and productivity, and create a space that reflects your unique style. We offer a free consultation where we’ll come to your home or office and discuss your organizing goals. After the consultation, we’ll create a customized plan to help you achieve your goals. And our affordable rates won’t break the bank. Book your free consultation today and let us show you how we can help you achieve your organizing dreams.”

AI Ragnarok

What I want to do next is have Microsoft and Google each write an ad and then run those ads against each other for a month. Best AI wins.

Then, whichever AI puts my white-collar brethren out of business in ten years, there will be some comfort in knowing that the better humanoid simulacrum won.

Marta is a professional organizer dedicated to bringing harmony and efficiency to her client's homes and offices.