
HomeOrganizing 101Beautifully Organized versus Simply Tidy is My Obsession
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Beautifully Organized versus Simply Tidy is My Obsession

Beautifully organized versus simply tidy was the phrase that started my journey as a professional organizer. I was watching videos about home décor. I know, I know, you don’t have to remind me that professional organizers are a touch obsessive about their art. Maybe I’ll do a future article about the relationship between obsession and art.

The video asked one key question: Are you tidy or are you organized? Up to that point I had always thought of myself as very organized. My closets scream fashion statement and my cupboards look like a photo shoot for Architectural Digest. I reassured myself that I was very organized and watched more of the video, ready to dismiss this impertinent question.

But, the video explained the key difference between tidy and organized. A closet can be very tidy, with a place for everything and everything in its place, but still not organized. It is the difference between functional and beautiful. Something can be very functional, like a personal computer, but still not beautiful like an Apple computer.

Many of my clients might not be able to say why they are so happy with an organized space versus one that is merely tidy, but they can feel the difference. That is the “wow” factor that I’m trying to bring to my organizing efforts.

That is also the “wow” factor that makes me love this job. Naturally, there is the satisfaction of a job done well. But, there is also the deeper joy of creating a work of art. I am constantly learning more about our craft and always reaching for my artist’s eye to bring my clients the benefits of tidy and the beauty of organized. I always ask the question when I am completing a project. Is this beautifully organized or simply tidy?

Marta is a professional organizer dedicated to bringing harmony and efficiency to her client's homes and offices.