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Browse our gallery of completed projects. Realize you’re not alone in this journey. A compassionate experienced professional organizer can help you take the most important step toward realizing your best life–the first step. Are you exhausted by the clutter and ready to get organized?

An experienced professional organizer can take you through the process step-by-step and help your realize your dreams for your space. If you’re overwhelmed by all your responsibilities and just need someone to jump start the process and get that clutter moving then call or text Marta at (908) 358-8927 and start getting organized. In one completed project after another you can see the attention to detail and commitment to excellence at MM Organizing.

Success Stores And Rapid Responses


Before and After

Tired of the closet monsters jumping out every time you grab a towel for the shower? Get organized and enjoy the effortless calm of well behaved closets that patiently await your selection. Just one of the many closets Marta has tamed.

Honey! The Movers Just Called

Marta was called to jump in on an urgent project. The movers were coming and the majority of this apartment was not packed. MM Organizing marshaled their resources and finished this emergency project in a very long day and a half of the next day. The move came off without a hitch thanks to Marta and her team.

A day and a half later here is the completed project. Completely packed and ready for the move, as promised.

Sari-not Sari

Want to make sure your formal wear is treated with the proper respect and attention to detail? Hire a professional organizer to sort out the details while you focus on your family and your job. We can’t help ourselves, we have to brag a little–please notice the perfect spacing on those hangers. It’s just something in the DNA of a good organizer that a completed project can look this good.


A Kitchen Magician

Client Kitchen Before
Client Kitchen After

A dramatic change in the kitchen after the completed project. At this point everything is exactly where the client wanted and there is a wide expanse of kitchen counter available for food prep.

Everything and The Kitchen Sink

There is nothing more frustrated than fighting through a thicket of rags and sponges to get to the hand soap when you need some. Don’t fight your sink. Organize so that everything you need fits nicely and is right at your fingertips. There is no need to just toss everything under the sink and slam the door before something jumps out. Enjoy the obviously easier functionality of a successful completed project.

Sink before completed project

Basement Transformation

This basement seemed to be filled to capacity with barely enough room to get access to the tools and materials that this expert tile installer needed to do her job. After the transformation there is a nice carpeted floor, plenty of room to move around, and neatly arranged shelves with adequate room for everything.