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If you’re starting a small business, like me, you’re desperately short of three things: 1) leads, 2) money, and 3) knowledge. And it all really comes down to knowledge. If I knew how to find leads cost-effectively that would solve my biggest problem. If I had the leads, I’d have the money because organizing is cash flow positive very quickly. If I had the money, I could buy the knowledge to get the leads. My business is basically an ouroboros looking for a way to turn a vicious circle into a virtuous circle. There are people who could build my website to hold the keywords that I’d surround with content to attract the prospects. But website

Organizers know that bad clutter sometimes happens to good people.  Sometimes our possessions become a boa constrictor wrapped around our psyche. When our memories are inextricably woven into our possessions, parting with an item means abandoning a piece of your self. You could no more slice off the proverbial pound of flesh than toss that hamper into the Salvation Army’s maw. As professional organizers we have all noticed how much easier it is to part with clothes or durable goods when they’re going to a charity rather than a trash bin. People don’t want their purchases to be invalidated by disposal. It’s very personal. They are much more relaxed if those books destined for the church’s